African Rubies

know about African Rubies


About african Rubies

African rubies exhibit a range of captivating colors, typically varying from purplish to dark red. These remarkable gemstones come in various sizes and qualities, encompassing a spectrum from opaque to translucent to transparent. It is common for African rubies to possess a significant number of inclusions, making them well-suited for cabochon cuts. However, when transparency allows, these rubies are skillfully faceted and polished into dazzling, multifaceted gemstones. Among the most coveted hues in African rubies is the exquisite and deep dark shade, known for its exceptional beauty.


The treatment methods applied to African rubies can vary depending on their origin. Rubies sourced from Madagascar are commonly subjected to heat treatments to enhance their transparency and color. Similarly, certain rubies from Tanzania and Kenya undergo heating for comparable reasons. However, it is important to note that, as a general rule, African rubies are not commonly treated because heat treatments may not yield the desired results. When acquiring a ruby, it is crucial to remain vigilant about potential treatments that may have been performed. Requesting a certificate from a reputable gemological laboratory ensures transparency and disclosure regarding any treatments that may have been applied to the ruby in question. This precaution allows for informed decision-making when purchasing an African ruby.

Various Hues and Colors of African rubies

African rubies exhibit a variety of captivating colors, with purple or purplish-red being the most common hue. In Tanzania, deep red rubies can be found, while Kenyan mines yield dark pink to dark pinkish-red specimens. Rubies sourced from Mbinga in Tanzania often possess a brownish overtone, while those from the Longido mines display shades ranging from blood red to dark red. Mozambique rubies, on the other hand, typically showcase a captivating brownish-red color. The diverse range of colors found in African rubies adds to their allure and provides a wide array of options for gemstone enthusiasts.

Rubies From Kenya

In 1973, American geologists Tim Miller and John Saul made a significant discovery in Kenya's Tsavo West National Park. They unearthed a deposit of ruby in the Mangari area, characterized by its exceptional color. Although finding gem-quality material suitable for faceting was challenging, the overall quality of the rubies was outstanding. However, a scandal of immense proportions unfolded as the Kenyan government unlawfully seized control of the mines.

Over time, justice prevailed, and the rightful owner regained control of the mines. Presently known as the John Saul mine, it continues to yield a commendable supply of cabochon-grade ruby material, as well as a limited quantity of faceted stones. The mine stands as a testament to the enduring beauty and value of the rubies found in this region.

Rubies from Mozambique (Niassa)

In 2009, a remarkable discovery took place in Mozambique's Niassa district, situated near the border with Tanzania. New deposits of ruby were found, possessing a quality that rivals, if not surpasses, the renowned Burmese rubies from Mogok. These rubies are of exceptional caliber and hold a status on par with, if not superior to, the Burmese counterparts.

Rubies from Nigeria

Rubies from Nigeria are known for their intensely deep purple hue, so much so that they often appear almost black in daylight. Attempts have been made to subject Nigerian Rubies to heat treatments in order to lessen their color, but these endeavors have yielded limited success. The mines are situated in the Kaduna District, where these uniquely dark and captivating rubies are found.

Rubies from Malawi

In southern Malawi, specifically Chimwadzulu Hill (formerly Nyasaland), significant deposits of rubies have been discovered. However, these Malawi rubies exhibit a noticeably lighter coloration, leaning towards a pale shade. Despite their subdued hue, these rubies hold value and can still possess their own unique charm.

Rubies From Madagascar

Large quantities of rubies and sapphires have been recently found in Madagascar. Although the rubies are pinkish in color and resemble pink sapphires, the transparency is excellent and they are suitable for faceted stones. Ilakaka is one of the major areas yielding corundum. Red crystals are also found in Gogogogo, east of Transvaal.

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